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Organic Marshmallow Root

Organic Marshmallow Root

Regular price $4.99 USD
Regular price $5.95 USD Sale price $4.99 USD
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Powder this in you little spice blender and make marshmallow from a 200 year old recipe!

Pate de Guimauve (marshmallow paste)
Take a decoction of marshmallow roots, 4oz (113.4 grams). water, 1 gallon (3.79 litres).
Boil 4 pints and strain; then add gum arabic half a pound, refined sugar, 2 lbs (0.91 kilograms). Evaporate to an extract, then take from the fire, stir it quickly with the whites of twelve eggs previously beaten to a froth: then add, while stirring half an oz of orange flower water.

Sold by 1/2 cĀ 

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